Improve life 2022

How To Improve Your Life This 2022

Ways To Improve Your Life This Year 2022 It’s a new year, and you probably have resolutions that will improve your life either financially, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. They might be the best on paper, but the problem is implementation and integrating them into your life. As long as there is life, there is room…

Ways to Increase Job Security

15 Ways To Increase Job Security

How to Shine at Your Current Job Job security has become increasingly a matter of concern nowadays because of the pandemic. There is a lot of uncertainty looming ahead as several businesses downsize or totally close their doors.  No wonder people who feel that their job security has been threatened to get depressed and have…

Midlife Career Change

Midlife Career Change

Changing Career At Midlife Stage When society tells us that we need to be ready to have a major picked out so we can start college at 18, it is understandable that so many people feel like they are stuck in a career that they have outgrown. With young entrepreneurs seemingly taking over the covers…

Life Coach vs Therapy

Life Coach Vs. Therapy

The older we get, the more life experience we have under our belts. Many women say that 40 is the new 20 and are truly embracing their midlife years. They spent their 20’s and 30’s building careers, in addition to raising families and caring for their homes and marriages, and they now have time to focus on their own interests.