1 On 1 Coaching with Shannon

Do You Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change But Can’t Seem to Find Your Way?

Do you think that things are in constant motion all around you?

Maybe you have become stagnant in your personal or professional life. To make a change, you must be the one to take the first steps and welcome that change! In the process Shannon will be your guide and coach you into leading you to a path of a happy, prosperous, and successful life.

“Just when you  think that you  have learned the way to live, life changes.”

What Can Life Coaching Do For You?

Confidence, Self Worth & Self Esteem!

Realizing your own worth is the first step towards living a happy life. We will work together to focus on your self-confidence and self-esteem if needed, which will help you to create a stronger sense of authentic self.

Living Your Purpose!

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Our work together will be providing you with more purpose which can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning

Self Improvement - Getting Your Own Needs Met

Self-improvement comes from a perfectionist mindset, where we think there is something we need to fix about ourselves. We will work together to help find the areas of improvement that will serve you best.

Support of our experienced specialists

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Academic and technical support

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New friend & business partners

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How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Surveys of coaching clients, conducted by the International Coach Foundation, have found that people seek life coaches to help with several issues:

  • Self-confidence, time management, and work/life balance.
  • Career opportunities, business management.
  • Improving relationships, interpersonal & communication skills, and family dynamics.
  • Physical fitness and wellness.
  • Making focused and informed decisions.

Do any of these resonate with you? Shannon can help!

“Living on purpose” means doing what truly matters to you in alignment with your values and beliefs. 

When you aren’t being you, everything is foggy and colorless. You’re bored and busy at the same time, always tired. Even small things feel like work. You take tests to understand why you feel down and pills to fix it. The list can go on. If you continuously ignore your higher self, it will send you nudges to get your attention.

This may be uncomfortable at first, but that’s part of the reason Shannon is here, to help guide you to make things easy and comfortable for you. 

If you trust that it will work out, it will. Don’t worry if you don’t get the outcome you want today. Success takes time, which is why most people give up. You’ll never look back and think “I spent too much time being me” so keep going. It’s impossible to fail at being you.

If you don’t wake up excited to start your day, it’s time to make a change or start taking action. While maintaining alignment will take practice, you don’t have to work forever to get there.

The unknown is scary. We feel safe and comfortable with how things have always been. Fear is part of us and will always be there, but it can’t rule you unless you let it; so take action toward your goals anyway. 

Holding on to regret, pain, and resentment hurts others. But it also hurts you. When you feel any of these emotions, it affects your mood and how you treat everyone, including yourself.

“Harboring unforgiveness breads negative thoughts,”

Decide to let it go and make a plan to never go to bed angry

My Approach

My approach towards life is to pursue happiness and share it with as many people as possible. Living life to its fullest is what makes me motivated by helping you to not only live your life to the fullest but also live it in a meaningful way. You have heard of the saying “YOLO- You only live once” and my approach is to help you make this one, worth it.

certified life coach

How It Works

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