How to Shine at Your Current Job
Job security has become increasingly a matter of concern nowadays because of the pandemic. There is a lot of uncertainty looming ahead as several businesses downsize or totally close their doors.
No wonder people who feel that their job security has been threatened to get depressed and have issues with productivity in the workplace.
In a recent poll conducted by Monster, 49.5% of employers said they’ll be laying off workers in the near future, and 65.1% of companies have cut back on job listings.
On the other hand, the poll also revealed that openings for jobs online are increasing.
Even if there is much uncertainty about the future, you can make yourself rise more from the challenges by being more resilient. Below are some suggestions to help you hold onto your current job and make you attractive to job hunters.
Follow these suggestions to help you thrive in your current position and make yourself more marketable if you’re hunting for a new job.
How to Shine at Your Current Job:
- Create a connection with your boss. Strengthen your relationship with your boss. Communicate openly and frequently. Make one-on-one time with your boss an opportunity to know their work style and habits.
- Focus on shared goals. Make your supervisor’s priorities your own. Help them succeed and you will reap the rewards as wll.
- Share suggestions and ideas. Think creatively and be ready to take worthwhile risks. Share practical and specific suggestions on how to reduce expenses and increase quality.
- Ask for feedback. Your boss and colleagues can provide valuable input about how you can do your job better. Listen with an open mind and heart. Use their suggestions to make positive changes in your job. Also, remember to thank them for their support and let them know that their feedback has made a difference.
- Leverage your strengths. Try to shape your job in a way that will allow you to do things you love and do well. You’ll probably accomplish more with less effort.
- Honor your word. Show that you’re trustworthy. Follow through on your commitments and you will be respected for doing that.
- Exceed expectations. Take responsibilities even when they are not included in your job description. Put your whole heart into your work and deliver the highest quality.
- Be helpful. Offer encouragement and assistance to coworkers who are under pressure. You’ll build friendships and alliances that may be useful in the future, and you’ll probably enjoy your job more.
When Looking for a New Job:

- Network safely. The pandemic has changed the way we network, but the intent remains the same. Connect with current contacts and discover new ones through video conferencing and virtual events.
- Do not stop learning. Read professional development books, follow and chat with industry experts in social media, and sign up for online courses. A lot of companies are selling courses and books at discounted prices during these challenging times, so be ready to grab this opportunity.
- Update your resume. When updating your resume, imagine that you are about to get laid off from work so you will get into the right mindset of creating a compelling resume. Be proactive. Include significant events in your career that are worth adding to your resume like training and workshops.
- Build a portfolio. When it comes to marketing yourself to hiring managers, showing is more effective than telling so share samples of your work online or with other media.
- Raise your visibility. If you get uncomfortable promoting your successes at work, then this is the right time to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. To showcase your expertise, publish articles and reports. You can even go as far as doing volunteer work in your community to raise your visibility among local business owners.
- Invite the idea of changing careers. Industries across different sectors naturally rise and fall. Focus or develop skills that will allow you to move into sectors like health care and eCommerce
- Think positively. You are more likely to reach your career goals when you maintain an upbeat attitude. Practice meditations and exercise daily to help you manage stress. Always remember your purpose in life and make sure to align your actions with your values.
Fresh opportunities usually appear during unexpected events like losing a job, Follow the steps we have shared above and you will not only become more valuable to your current employer but also become more attractive to other companies looking for new talent as well.
This article was originally posted at Midlife Coaching with Shannon.